Just a GOOBYE letter...

The stardoll Elite Awards was my biggest project ever! This isn't what I want. I'm actually happy anyway. Soon the awards will be manager by Linda better know as Elite-girl or KOM. I belive she will do an amazing job. I'll still finish mine. Don't worry! I'll probably won't do any FIESTA. I don't feel like I want to in this new GBs. I'll anounce you guys the winners and that's it! I'm sorry. I know people were expecting more but belive me. I'm moving to bigger and better things. Things that I enjoy to do more.

I called this GOODBYE but you'll see the winners here one monday. This is not a goodbye is a see you soon...


  1. :( moving for the better?

  2. Yes moving to new things that i feel i enjoy to work. More than i do here..
