Most Loved Famale- 4 nominees (The Girl everyone loves)
Most Loved Male- 4 nominees (The Boy that’s everyone’s favorite)
Most Loved User –2 nominees (choosen by the Team between the most loved male and most loved female)
The Fashion Elite Award- 4 nominees (The girl or boy that is fashionista)
Biggest Persona- 4 nominees (The best personality from all the members on stardoll)
Drama Queen/King-4 nominees (Who has been on every blog bitching about other, who have made the drama around everything)
Interior decorated-4 nominees (The medoll with the best suite on stardoll)
Magazine furor – 4 nominees (The best magazine alive)
Stardoll Artist-4 nominees (The member with the best graphic skills)
Blog Buzz- 4 nominees (The blog that brings you all the news. The best blog in stardoll)
The Elite Award- 8 nominees (The award that everyone wants. This is the award of popularity. The most popular users will be on this category. 4 are choosen by public 2 from previous categories and other 2 by the judges )